Send Emails from a Different Address or Alias and Change Reply-To Address

With Mergo, you have the capability to send emails from various email addresses and manage replies through different addresses. This functionality mirrors the feature provided by Google in Gmail, where Mergo leverages any email address configured in Gmail. This article will guide you through the process of configuring an email address as an Alias or Reply to address for your Google account, as well as how to utilize that email address when sending out email campaigns using Mergo.

In this article 

Add or manage an email address as an alias

To send emails from a different address with Mergo, you first need to create an alias in your Gmail account. 


In Gmail, click on the top-right gear icon, and select See all settings.


Click the  Accounts and Import tab > Add another email address (under Send mail as).


Fill out the Name & Email address fields, leave Treat as an alias checked > then click Next Step.

Note: To verify that you own the account you've just added, Google will send you a verification code to that email address.


Click Send Verification.


Click the confirmation link sent to your alias account (or copy & paste the Google confirmation code that was sent). Then click Verify.


Your alias will now appear under your primary account.

Your default address is the one that's currently used to send emails.  
If you want your alias to be the default account, click Make default.

Note: You can manage/delete addresses with the edit info and delete buttons.

A- Use that email address (alias) in Mergo

📊 This feature is available in our add-ons for Google Sheets, Docs, and Gmail.

Upon successful addition of an alias in Gmail, you will be able to utilize it in Mergo to send emails from that address or receive replies to that address.


Open Mergo from your sheet and configure your campaign. 
Visit this article to learn how to prepare your first campaign with Mergo. 


Click More actions > Set Alias & Reply to


Select the alias you want to choose with the Alias/From dropdown menu.

Note: The Reply to and Sender name fields will be updated once an alias is chosen.

Info: If you want to set a different Reply-to account, please read the next section.

B- Choose the sender email address directly in your Gmail draft

Instead of setting the alias of your choosing in Mergo, you can also directly select the appropriate email address for sending your emails in the Gmail draft you will use for your mail merge. When you open your draft, the new email address will appear in Gmail's From field. You will notice that the From field now includes a dropdown menu that enables you to choose between your primary account and your alias account.

At any time, to change the 'from' address in your Gmail draft:

  1. Open Gmail and go to the 'Drafts' folder.
  2. Click to open the draft you intend to use for your Mergo campaign.
  3. In the draft, click on the 'From' field (you might need to click the recipients field to see this).
  4. Select the correct 'from' address from the list of available addresses.

The email address selected in Mergo will take precedence over the one chosen as the default in Gmail. If you selected an alias in your Gmail draft and then explicitely configured Mergo to use your primary account, Mergo will bypass your current Gmail settings and your email campaign will be sent using your primary email account selected in Mergo.

Aliases, 'From' Address & Reply to

Aliases and 'From' address

When you set an alias (as shown above), this is who the message is From. This is the address displayed as the From in most mail clients.

Reply to address

If you wish to specify a particular email address for receiving replies from your recipients, you have the option to set a distinct Reply to address using Mergo. 

Open the Set Alias & Reply to menu and specify an address in the field.

In the scenario depicted:

  1. the recipient will receive an email from the address (Alias/From field)
  2. If the recipient clicks on the Reply button, the mail will be addressed to (Reply to).

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