Add a New Template to the Gallery and Share it with your Colleagues (sharing the same domain name)

Sometimes, using the same email template over and over again loses its novelty and you need to create a new one to engage your customers. In this article, you will learn how to add your own template to the Gallery and share it with your colleagues (sharing the same domain name) .

Info: 📊 This feature is available in our add-ons for Google Sheets, Docs, and Gmail.

Note: The Template Gallery is available in our Domain Premium plan.

Create a New Email Template from scratch

Mergo needs the layouting power of Google Docs to create an Email Template. To do this:


Create your template with all the content, formatting, layout, and relevant {{merge tags}}.


Give your Google Docs Email Template a short (but descriptive) title.


Open Mergo (1) > Domain templates (2).


Click the SUBMIT DOC AS TEMPLATE button.


You will see a prompt saying that your email template has been added to your Domain’s Gallery.
Click the Back button.


You will now see the newly created email template added to your Gallery (2 new templates shown in this demo). You can now use your own templates as needed.

Info: The templates that you added to the Gallery can only be seen and accessed by you and:  

  • Users sharing the same domain name  
  • That were also given (shared) access to the Google Docs template.

Reminder: The template gallery in Mergo specifically works based on domain names. This means that even if you belong to the same parent company (but have different domains), templates are not shared inter-domain initially. 

For example: If you created a template using a account and then shared it, that template can only be accessed by other users with as their primary email address.

To share that template with Alphabet ( users, the template must be added in Mergo by an user.

By default, all Google Docs templates created by you are set to Restricted (Private to only me). This means that even if you've submitted your Google Docs template to the Gallery, only you will be able to view it. 

To allow others in your organization to view or use your template in the Gallery, you need to change the Docs sharing settings by:

  • A) Adding people or groups manually (as Viewer, Commenter, or Editor) and/or

  • B) Sharing the template to your entire organization or Anyone with the link (as Viewer, Commenter, or Editor). 

Note: If you want your Google Docs template to be available to everyone in your domain, but don't want it displayed in the Gallery, just send an email to (specifying the Google Docs template link) and we will remove the Docs template manually from our database. 

Alternatively, you can simply delete the Google Docs template in your Google Drive and this will be removed from the Gallery as well. If this deleted Docs template was initially shared with others, they wouldn't be able to access it anymore.

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