How do I cancel my subscription?

Monthly and yearly subscriptions are automatically renewed at the end of the subscription period. Canceling your subscription renewal is easy and there are 3 ways you can do this.

📌 Reminder: Please make sure to submit a cancellation request to us (or cancel by yourself) at least 2 business days before the renewal date - to avoid the auto-renewal and getting charged again. And clearly specify the relevant account to be canceled.

Info: Only the registered subscriber can request a renewal cancellation of a subscription. 

⚠️ If a different email address is used in the email request (not the one registered in the Mergo subscription), authentication procedures will be implemented to ensure account ownership. 

Mergo uses Paypal and Stripe as its payment gateways so anyone can use their Credit/Debit cards or Paypal/Stripe account. 

You can cancel your subscription renewal via:

  1. Email (Paypal & Stripe) - through our Customer Support. 
  2. Click the Cancel link from the email payment confirmation sent by Stripe or Paypal. 

    Info: For PayPal-related concerns, please contact PayPal's Helpdesk.

  3. Mergo app (Paypal & Stripe)


    Click More actions > Manage subscription > CANCEL.


    An email draft will be created.

    Optional: Include additional details like the effectivity date or why you need to cancel.


    Click Send.

    💡  Tip: If you cancel in advance, you will still be able to enjoy Mergo’s continued service up to the last day of your subscription.

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