Opened, Bounced, Not sent... Know your campaign Metrics

Mergo's Tracking tool helps improve your email campaigns by monitoring who opens, clicks, and responds to your emails. Mergo also records any bounces and unsubscribes in real time.

In this article 

Sent email metrics

Note: Click the  REFRESH icon to update your Campaign Tracking report.

OPENED (Open rate)

Activated when a recipient opens your email (includes the status CLICKED, RESPONDED, & UNSUBSCRIBED).

The technology that stands behind email open tracking is fairly simple. Mergo automatically adds a  *tracking pixel within each email you send.  A *tracking pixel is a 1x1 pixel image that is invisible to the recipients, and will only be loaded when the recipient opens the email. When the tracking pixel is loaded, Mergo receives this information and adds it to the open tracking report.

CLICKED (Click rate)

Activated when a recipient clicks on a link in your email.

To track a link, Mergo replaces your original URL with one that points to our servers and then redirects to the destination URL.  This redirection through our server triggers our click tracker and the information is saved in Mergo.

Note: This process only affects the hyperlink of your URL. If you do a plain-text mode campaign, the recipient will be able to see our redirect URL.

RESPONDED (Response rate)

Activated when a recipient answers your email.

Mergo is equipped with a recursive checking system that regularly checks the thread of your emails to see if recipients responded. 

UNSUBSCRIBED (Unsubscribe rate)

Activated when a recipient clicks on the unsubscribe link in your email.

This metric is based on the same principle as that of our click rate. When a recipient clicks on an unsubscribe link, he is redirected to a specific Mergo webpage. Then, this information is collected and displayed in our Mergo Tracking tool.

BOUNCED (Bounce rate)

Activated when emails are sent (but  not delivered) - most likely because the email address doesn't exist or the recipient's account is disabled by their email provider.

When an email is rejected by Google's server (this usually happens because the email address is incorrect), the sender is warned with an automatic email. This information is collected and displayed in our Mergo Tracking tool.

Info: If you notice that your emails are being bounced when our campaign tracking report is enabled (but not when disabled), contact our support team. There are instances wherein our tracking features may affect deliverability, so it's essential to reach out for assistance if you encounter any problems.

Note: You can easily identify your unengaged audience and scrub them from your recipient list to decrease your bounce rate.

Not Sent email status

Here's a summary to help you review email statuses that are NOT SENT


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This is activated when you try to send emails to someone who already clicked the Unsubscribe link (already added to our Unsubscribed database).  The next time you attempt to send an email to them, their status changes to Already Unsubscribed - giving the prompt that you attempted to send an email to an already unsubscribed client.  Click here to learn more about this process.

You can review and/or restore the list of Already Unsubscribed email addresses. Read our tutorial on how to Unblock (restore) your unsubscribed recipients.


Mergo will automatically skip processing blank rows under the Email column and will tag this as NO RECIPIENT under the Merge status column. Each blank entry will be recorded in the No Recipient summary.


When you receive an ERROR status, it could mean that: 
  • The subject of the email is too long.
  • An error with the alias used by the user.
  • A Google-related error: their service is down or not working properly.


Activated when the recipient's email address has invalid formats. For example: 
  • The @ sign is missing in the email address
  • There are three @ signs


Activated when an email bounces because the email address cannot be found or the message is blocked. When this happens, the recipient's email address is added to the blocked database.
When the campaign is re-initialized, Mergo will  not attempt to send the email again to the same address since it's been established that the 1st attempt already bounced (this is done to save quota). After which, the Merge status is changed to ALREADY BOUNCED

Just like in our ALREADY_UNSUBSCRIBED status, you can review and/or restore the list of Already Bounced email addresses. Read our tutorial on how to Unblock (restore) your unsubscribed recipients.


Activated when Mergo receives an error message from Google that could be due to:
  • The Google service is invoked too many times for one day.
  • The operation is not allowed by Gmail.
  • The draft was not found.
  • The user quota is exceeded.
  • The user does not have permission to request the service (this may be related to multiple accounts logged into the user's browser or permission to run a script with a Google account).

Mergo will attempt to send the email again to the same address when the campaign is re-initialized.


Activated when we think the email was sent correctly, but while checking the user inbox for bounced notifications (or responses), we discover a message from Google saying the email(s) were not actually sent.  

This happens when the user is sending too many emails - and Google starts to restrict their quota, resulting to: 

  • The user not being able to send emails anymore (even though they still have remaining quotas for the day).
  • And receiving a Mail Delivery Subsystem notification from Gmail saying: 

    " You have reached a limit for sending mail. Your message was not sent."

Info: There will be instances when you will see your Merge status column update.
This is normal since the Campaign Tracking Report (and the Merge status column) is updated: 

  • Automatically, every hour.
  • By clicking the Refresh button. 
  • When the campaign sheet is reopened.

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